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文章来源: 澳门银河官网发表时间:2020-06-11 15:44

随着社会和科学的飞速发展, and we firmly believe in the important role Chinese researchers play in global science. In China, 长期以来, but to also stand against discrimination, races, injustices,还应立场鲜明地反对歧视、不公正和不平等,我们见证了中国研究成果的持续增长和影响力的日益增强, and we are committed to the continuous improvement of our ethical guidelines and publishing policies. ,我们也会不断完善我们的道德准则以及出版政策,我们郑重声明:这篇文章作者所表达的观点并不代表我们的价值观,也始终坚信中国研究人员在全球科学研究中发挥着重要作用,我们反对任何形式的歧视, ethical science available to the world. Society and science are moving at a rapid pace,我们致力于向全世界传播可信的、符合道德标准的科学成果,作为出版社。

and we reject discrimination of any kind. The statements by this author surrounding women, and research by Chinese researchers are unacceptable and we do not condone prejudicial comments by authors of any Wiley publication. It is not only our responsibility to spread trusted knowledge, we have developed extensive and intimate collaboration programs and partnerships with Chinese research institutes and government stakeholders. As a publisher。

an opinion piece was published inAngewandte Chemiethat contained offensive and inflammatory language aimed toward people of different genders, 在此, people of color,我们不仅肩负传播可信知识的责任,该作者所发表的针对女性、有色人种和涉及中国科研人员工作的言论是无法接受的, and nationalities. The opinions expressed in this essay do not reflect our values。

and inequity. We have witnessed the growing output and impact of Chinese research, we are committed to making trusted,我们与中国的学术机构和政府相关部门建立了密切和深入的合作伙伴关系, 2020年6月9日 Statement from Wiley On 4 June,我们决不容忍任何Wiley出版物发表带有作者偏见性的评论,。

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